
Ansible Galaxy

Run the following command to install the netbox.netbox collection: ansible-galaxy collection install netbox.netbox

Follow the official docs to learn more about installation.


Installing Ansible Collections using Git within a requirements.yml is not supported until Ansible 2.10.

Build From Source

Follow these steps to install from source:

  1. git clone

  2. cd ansible_modules

  3. ansible-galaxy collection build .

  4. ansible-galaxy collection install netbox-netbox*.tar.gz

Using Ansible Collections

There are two methods when using a collection in a playbook:

  1. Using the collections directive at the play level.

  2. Using the Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) of the module, e.g. netbox.netbox.netbox_device at the task level.

- hosts: "localhost"
    - netbox.netbox

    - name: "Configure a device in NetBox"
      <.. omitted>
- hosts: "localhost"

    - name: "Configure a device in NetBox"
      <.. omitted>

Ansible recommends option 2 by using the FQCN when using Ansible Collections.

You can find more information at the official Ansible docs.


If you are on MacOS and are running into ERROR! A worker was found in a dead state errors, try running the playbook with env no_proxy='*' tag in front of the playbook. This is a known issue with MacOS as per this reference:

Using Inventory Plugin Within AWX/Tower

This will cover the basic usage of the NetBox inventory plugin within this collection.

  1. Define collections/requirements.yml within a Git project.

  2. AWX/Tower will download the collection on each run. This can be handled differently or excluded if storing Ansible Collections on the AWX/Tower box.

  3. Define inventory.yml in Git project that adheres to inventory plugin structure.

  4. Add Git project to AWX/Tower as a project.

  5. Create inventory and select source from project.

  6. Select the AWX/Tower project from Step 2

  7. Select the inventory.yml file in the project from Step 3

  8. Make sure your Tower installation uses Python 3 or select the proper ANSIBLE ENVIRONMENT

  9. Click Save and sync source.